Saturday, March 31, 2012

ZionCheck - A Family Card Game!

Zioncheck is a great card game, and it's really fun! But a problem has been found and we need your say on what to do! There are four options, maybe more, if someone is caught overbuying.  As of now there is no official punishment for overbuying.  For those of you who aren't familiar with this game, it is similar to Phase 10 or Shanghai Rummy.  You are only supposed to buy/purchase cards 3 times per round, and if more than one person wants the card it goes to the next closest person clockwise.  The problem that arises is what if someone over buys?  It doesn't happen all that much, but when it does the punishment is unclear, and it causes a big disruption to the game.   So there are four options that hopefully could work and be fair.  Please leave a comment on which one you think is fair and would work the best!  If you have a suggestion, or if I forgot something please say it too.  Thanks so much.
Possible Overbuying Punishment Options

#1 The over buyer receives 100pts and their number of buys becomes limited to 2 per round
#2 The over buyer receives 75pts and their number of buys becomes limited to 1 per round
#3 The over buyer is punished with 150pts, can't lay cards down and CAN buy the rest of the game
#4 The over buyer is disqualified
#5 (Zsa Zsa Rule): Overbuyer should get 150 points, CAN lay cards down and CAN continue to buy three times during remainder of game. Z
#6 (Papa's): At the beginning of each hand, each player takes three poker chips or pennies. With every purchase, the player must place one chip in center of table BEFORE placing purchased card in his hand. P


  1. I vote for option 3. They get walloped with a handful of points (with their 4 purchases) and get an additional 150 points . . . and then there's no further bothering about an adjustment to one's purchasing.
    ~ Carla

  2. Punishment #1 is the best and probably the most fair! -Shannon

  3. Have a question or two before casting my final vote.

    1. Does #4 refer to just overbuy hand or all remaining hands in game?

    2. Is player in option #1 still penalized if he never lays his cards down but overbuy discovered when counting points at end of hand?

    Also we need to decide on how to handle discovering player has inappropriate number of cards, such as an even number of cards were dealt, and at some point in playing of hand, player is found to be holding uneven number of cards.

    Zsa Zsa

  4. Great questions thanks for asking and making me clarify! I hope you like some of the options.

    For #4 i think the over buyer should no longer be able to win, and can be disqualified from the game, but to be nice i guess if the other players allow, the over buyer can continue to play but it will not count.

    For 1 (and i guess number 2) yes, the person still over bought, so at any point its discovered it should be punishable

  5. After much thought I finally vote for #1 but one more question. If overbuy is discovered after fourth buy is in the culprit's hand, do they keep the overbuy?
    Zsa Zsa

    P.S. By the way I asked Vladimir Putin what we should do about punishing overbuyers. He says they should be shot.

  6. O.K. I just changed my mind. I vote for #3. They keep the overbuy no matter whether it is discovered immediately or later in game. Zsa Zsa

  7. O.K. This is my absolute final opinion. I think Option #5 should be: Overbuyer should get 150 points, CAN lay cards down and CAN continue to buy three times during remainder of game, and should henceforth be referred to as the Zsa Zsa Rule. Z

  8. Option #6 would be that at the beginning of each hand, each player takes three poker chips or pennies. With every purchase, the player must place one chip in center of table BEFORE placing purchased card in his hand. Papa

  9. Definatley option #6. With the poker chips there is no possible way to overbuy in the first place.
