Friday, August 19, 2011

A 45 Mile Week!

        It's been a week now and a very long one with tons of practices.  Two a day and many runs, drills, stretches, games, and cool downs.  The 45 miles is including warmup and cool downs, along with each run, and adding it up equals a lot.  The team is keeping a log to keep track of it, and the coaches want to make sure we don't do too much, anything over 45 a week, so we don't get injuries or completely kill ourselves.  Also my ankle stared bothering me on Wednesday during our running.  It started on the day we were running on hills.  <
        This week has been a great start and the team is nicely shaping up, and I'm getting to know more people slowly.  So far it seems like the team is probably 80-100 people, both boys and girls, but not everyone is there 100% of the time.  Tomorrow morning we are doing another run and we have to meet at some park near the school.  Also sometime next week there will be a cook off, after practice.  So that should be fun, we should also be getting uniforms in the up coming weeks, and many of the upperclassmen have been trying to talk the coaches into something special, so it might be interesting!