Have you ever heard about geocaching? Maybe you have but don't know much about it. I didn't know anything about it until one of my friendly customers and I were talking about it this morning at the Coffee Stand. Geocaching is kind of like a treasure hunt that you can use a GPS to get you near a hidden geocach. Geocaching is a fun thing do do if you are hiking or exploring outdoors, and are looking for something to do. You enter the coordinates of geocaches to locate yourself near the treasure and then you look for it. There is sometimes a log book to sign saying when you found it, and you can take something from the geocach, but make sure to leave something of equal or greater value so others will still have something to find. If you ever find one and look at it make sure to put it back where you found it. Check out the website where you can get coordinates for geocaches and tell others you found it. They have a cool video with more info. about geocaching and what to do. Link is below. Hope you enjoy>