Monday, September 6, 2010

8th Grade Going Great

Sorry, for not posting lately.  Much has been going on this year with school, friends, family and martial arts.  My eight grade team is the All Stars with Mr. Sears PD1 Soc. Studies, Mrs. Schauppner PD 2 Algebra, Ms. Angerson PD3 Science, and Ms. Biscotti PD4 Lang. Arts are my core subject teachers.  My three other teachers are Mr. Lentz for PE, Mr. Cummiskey for Chorus, and Dr. Ferch for Spanish 1.  I just have to say great teachers and so far my 8th grade year has been going great!


  1. Jack,

    Brendan had Ms. Biscotti when he was in 8th grade and I think she was tough, but he liked her and learned a lot, especially about grammar. Kevin has Mr. Cummiskey and Mr. Lentz, but I don't know any of your other teachers. Glad to hear that they are great and school is going well so far.

    Hope you are keeping the new 6th graders in line on the bus!

    Love, Aunt Mary

  2. Hi Jack - Glad to hear that the school year is off to a good start. It sounds like a challenging schedule, but you will definitely learn a lot!

    Your blog will certainly give you a great place to keep practicing all those Language Arts skills :) Maybe you could get some sort of extra credit??

